Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week #26

Hey Family,
I feel like maybe I've gotten into a little bit of a routine in this area, and that I haven't had a ton to tell you in all of my letters.... but don't worry. We had some really.. interesting things happen this week. No worries. Haha.
Well this week has had it's up and downs... as always right? We were supposed to be having 4 baptisms this coming Saturday. As of right now it looks like we will only be having 2 of them. But we are just fasting and praying that those two will happen. One was supposed to be Ruperto, but he wasn't able to make it to church this past Sunday and so he needs to wait one more week. (In this mission we have a requirement that investigators have to attend church three times before baptism). But he will be ready next week. The other was a family. There are three of them that were going to be baptized together. They have been coming to church very regularly together and so when they didn't come this past Sunday we were really concerned. Apparently there are a lot of family issues that we didn't know about.   Hermana Falcon and I are heartbroken for the family.   We're going to be working with the family a lot this week and hopefully they will be baptized this coming Saturday; To be able to make this covenant with God and show him that they are relying on him through this hard time. 

We have an investigator, Juana, the wife of a recent convert in the branch that is doing so well. She's really starting to open up to us and I can feel the trust that she has in us growing. She's starting to read on her own and has been to church the past two weeks. We are really excited about her and know that she can be ready to be baptized in the month of August. When we first began to teach her her husband was pretty impatient and just had such an urgency that she accept the gospel. But as he has began to pray for her, we have seen his patience grow and I can see that their relationship is better. So it's been an awesome week with her.
We went to go visit one of our investigators at his house. He's not a progressing investigator or anything--we've only met with him like one time. He's like 30ish... and lives with a 50 year old women that he is not related to. It's kind of a weird situation. They are just friends? I don't know. It was in Spanish and I didn't understand completely. Well we went back to visit him and a different guy answered the door. He was pretty young  (like 20s). We asked to see Carlos. And the guy that answered the door was like he's not here... he's in jail--for hitting my mom. The lady that Carlos had been living with was sitting on the couch... and you could tell she had been beat up. We didn't even know what to say. We were just like wow... we're so sorry. Can we help you with anything. He said no... and we left. Eek. The crazy things missionaries see... right?

We got a new ward mission leader this week and we are SO stoked. He is like the best member missionary ever and helps us out so much. So we are so excited that he will now have the authority and everything to really help us out.
I'm doing really well. It was a weird week weather-wise. It was raining dreary for a couple of days. Which is not normal... but everyone keeps telling me that it is normal because it is monsoon season? Who knew. Well I'll take it over the heat any day!
Well I love you all--have a good week!!!
Love, Holly

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