Hey Everyone!!

This week has been pretty good. I saw rain for the second time here in Arizona! haha. It wasn't very hard or for very long but it was something! I feel like this past week has gone by so fast that I don't even know what to talk about!! Last week we had a lot of specialized trainings. It was like every morning we had a training to go to! We had district meeting, and then a Spanish Missionary Specialized Training, and then a Sister's Specialized Training! Just a lot of meetings. But they were all really good and I learned a lot!

Yesterday morning all the Visitors' Center missionaries got together at 6 AM to do a service project on the grounds of the temple! It seemed really early... but I'm glad we did it that early because the heat wasn't near as bad that early! (it got down to like 90! hahaha) Even though we just weeded the gardens, it was fun to do a service project together and for it to be at the beautiful temple we work at every day!

It's so hard to believe that transfer news will come this Saturday. I can definitely feel time starting to pick up. I can't believe that it is already July! I hit 6 months this past week which is weird. I still feel really new. I am still really new! haha. My Spanish is SLOWLY improving. My understanding improves everyday, but I still am having difficulty saying what I want to. It's frustrating, but I am just doing all that I can to learn it, praying for it and hope it will get there eventually.

Well... as far as our area goes, we have been very blessed this week. Very. We've had some really incredible lessons. The Vega Family had a date for this coming Saturday, but they are not going to be ready for it because Maribel drank coffee yesterday morning. She says that she just forgot (and we probably should have taught the word of wisdom a little sooner). But they are setting a new date, and I know that they will be ready. They are really changing and I can see how much their marriage has been strengthened through this process. It's been awesome to see.

The wife of a recent convert, Santiago, just moved down here to be with her husband. We have taught her a couple of lessons. Her husband is very strong in the church, and is very very excited for her to learn. But he is a little over excited for her. Anytime she doesn't answer the question the way that he thinks she should, or doesn't show interest like he wants her to... he gets upset. So we are really trying to get the men in the ward to work with him and help him to understand patience. Because it isn't going to come overnight and I honestly think one of the best things that he can do is to show her the change that the gospel has brought to him. It's a hard situation but we are really trying to work with him.

We also met last night with the Baez Family. They have been meeting with the missionaries for about 10 months now. They know a lot, but are having a lot of doubts. So we are trying to work with them to help them strengthen their testimonies. They both are struggling with a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith. They are reading in the book of Mormon and praying and say that they haven't received an answer :[ So we talked about how it doesn't always come the first time we pray and that if they keep doing what they are doing, and keep the commandments they will receive an answer. So we are just praying for them to receive an answer, and also to help us know what we can to do help them understand and have more faith.

On Saturday I taught a lesson to the current Miss Colorado. She was down here for her best friend's wedding and couldn't go in the temple. So I was able to talk to her about it and she was really receptive and interested to learn about our beliefs because she didn't know anything. I got her phone number and email address and will hopefully be able to keep in touch with her and teach her over the phone. She was really nice.

Well I need to get going... but I love you all so much and am so grateful for all the prayers and support.

Hermana Larson