How is everyone doing! I hope well!! This week has been a really good one with the ups and downs that always come :] Friday night Paola was baptized. We were running all over the place because we got out of the VC late, and we had to make copies of the program and just got stuff ready. So we got to the stake center 10 minutes before the baptism... and the only person there was our branch president who was filling the font up. We then got a call from Paola's mom saying that she was still at work because she had gotten a flat tire. So then our ward mission leader went to help her, and we had a different member go pick Paola up. Anyways... again it got started pretty late... but it happened :] In the meantime that we were all waiting at the chapel, one of our members, Hermana Garcia went to go use the bathroom. The bathroom doors are right by the back door and she saw a lady walking around in the parking lot opened the door to talk to her thinking that she was coming to the baptism but was lost. But it turns out that she wasn't a member, just walking around on a Friday night trying to find what time this church starts on Sunday so that she could come. It was an incredible miracle. There isn't a Spanish branch in that building, it's just that our building doesn't have a font. But she is a Spanish speaker that just happened to be walking around the outside of the stake center when a Spanish baptism was about to happen. So Hermana Garcia invited her to attend the baptism, and she did. Her name is Marlyn, and she is now our investigator!

Also this week we received transfer news!! Because Hermana Falcon is a trainer in the VC she found out transfer news on Friday. She has been asked to train Hermana Aquino, in a different area. Both of them are from Mexico and don't have drivers licenses. So Hermana Falcon has been asked to learn to drive! So that has been an adventure with me teaching her! I feel like I now understand what mom and dad went through driving with me when I was first learning... it's kind of scary!!! I feel like mom grabbing onto the handle on the side of the car haha. I found out on Saturday night that I'll be staying here in Mesa Grande, with Hermana Sordes coming to be my companion!! I'm very excited! She's the one from France that know Uncle Larry and Aunt Arlene! And we have worked together a lot in Liahona 4th and in the visitors' center. I think we are going to be able to work together really well and so I'm really excited. I feel like I have learned so much from Hermana Falcon because she is such an incredible missionary, and now I'm going to be able to take a little bit more of a lead and put everything into practice.

Last Tuesday we had the mission tour by Elder Aidukaitis and it was so incredible. He really beat down on us... but in a good way. He really showed us that we are not planning very well... and that is why we are not reaching our goals. He took a look at every single persons planner, and area book and was extremely straight forward and direct about how we are not doing what we need to do. So this past week we went through and weekly planned the way that he taught us we need to and it took us a good 5 hours to do it. It's extremely in depth and during weekly planning you fill in your planner for the next 9 days... every slot with what you are going to do to fulfill your goals. You do it in pencil because obviously in 9 days you are going to need to make some adjustments... but that is all daily planning is--making those adjustments. So it's been a big change. But I am excited to put all that we learned into practice and see the blessings that come from being obedient... and having a plan :]

Well I ought to get going! It's been a busy p-day already. I finally went to the eye doctor and got some new contacts. I've been needing to for a while. But it just eats up so much time!! I love you and hope all is well!!

Hermana Larson