You are all so awesome. Thank you so much for all the love and the support that I recieve from each of you. I can feel of the prayers that are given in my behalf. THANK YOU.
This week has been incredible. Incredibly hard. But so incredible because I have learned so much from it. It was Hermana Sordes and I first FULL week together. We had set some pretty high goals because we were so excited to be working together and know that God has put some people in our paths. BUT. We didn't reach most of them. Saturday was a particularly hard day. We had 5 lessons set up and were planning to have 5 member present lessons. We also had the baptism of Lupe and Kandy that we had been planning all week in the evening. During our companion study in the morning, Lupe called us to tell us that Kandy had called him and told him that she didn't feel ready to be baptized. Apparently she had had a sleepover at a friends house the night before. The friend and her family were Jehovah's Witnesses and had talked to her telling her she was too young to know and shouldn't get baptized. But Lupe was still planning to be baptized. Kandy was going to be with her friends until two hours before the baptism. So we could really talk to her until then. So we went about our day... just praying so much that Kandy would recogonize how many times that she has felt the spirit and realize that she really is ready to make this covenant with God.  We had members with us for every single lesson as we went through the day.. which made it worse when EVERY SINGLE LESSON CANCELLED. It was so frustrating. I just felt like all of our investigators were flaking, which shows us that this really isn't something that is important to them. But then when we went to go visit Lupe and Kandy in their house--Kandy had a beautiful dress on and was getting ready for the baptism. And when we asked her how she was feeling she told us that she was going to get baptized and she thought that maybe she was just a litte bit nervous before. So we had a baptism :] Lupe is the one that has diabetes and has had a lot of problems with a huge wound he has on his foot. The doctors kept telling him that he shouldn't get it wet. So we got special permission from President Ellsworth to put a bag over his foot when he's baptized. But right beforehand Lupe told us that he didn't want to use the bag. He said "I have faith that God will protect it as I make this promise with God." It was such an awesome baptism. Sister Sordes and I sang "Teach me to walk in the light." Kandy doesn't understand Spanish very well so we sang the first verse in Spanish, the second in English, and then the third we alternated between the two every other phrase. Everyone loved it because it is so evident of our lives--Spanglish! When we got home that night we were exhausted... but we sat down together for about an hour and talked about how our week went. Even though we had had a baptism... we didn't reach very many of our goals and we were a little bit frustrated and didn't understand what we were doing wrong. It was such an incredible experience for me. We talked about everything we could improve on and everthing we need to change. We realized that even though we are obedient and we are good missionaries--we have so much to change and so much to improve. I love being Sister Sordes' companion. I am learning so much. And ever since that night we have been on fire :]
So much has happened this past week though. We had an incredible zone conference. I have so much respect for President Ellsworth. He is just such a perfect example of humility to me. He has so much power... but is very humble.
One day while we were working in the VC we were working at the front desk. It wasn't very busy when two men walked in. It was pretty obvious that niether were members of the church. And as it turns out... one of them was visiting from Benin (not sure if I spelled that right). A french speaking country in Africa. The other man spoke Spanish. It was one of the most incredible moments of my mission as Sister Sordes taught the restoration in French and right next to her I taught the restoration in Spanish. I felt the spirit so strong testify to me that this is missionary work. It was not a coincidence that we were at the front desk when those men walked in and we were able to teach them in their tongue.
I love you all so much and am so grateful I'm here to share the gospel. I love being here--even in the Arizona heat :]
Have an incredible week.
Sister Larson