How is everyone doing? I hope that things are going well for everyone else... because I have had a super awesome week! We had transfers on Wednesday. It was sad to leave Sister Falcon because she has been such a good companion to me and has helped me in so many ways. But we have had 12 weeks together and it was time to move on. And I LOVE Sister Sordes. We already knew that we get along so well... but it's just so good to realize that we have fun and love each other, but we also work really hard together! We've only have 5 days together but I have already learned so incredibly much. She is so fantastic at talking to people in the streets and having everything be so natural. I still sometimes feel nervous and awkward sometimes approaching people and talking to them in the streets, and then transitioning to talking about the gospel with them. So that is something that I am going to work on a lot while we are companions... I want to feel completely comfortable talking to people in the streets in Spanish and just stating our purpose with them by the end of the transfer.

Well we thought that we would have the baptisms of Lupe and Kandy this past week but Lupe wasn't feeling completely confident with his foot (remember that he had a big wound in his foot? ) and everything. BUT he did have his interview this past Friday and he and Kandy both passed and are ready to go. They are so good. I love them so much and am so happy for them. We have printed up invitations for their baptism that are so cute. So that they can invite all of their friends to their baptism. We are going to make their baptisms a missionary experience and are hoping to have a lot of nonmembers there. The spirit is always so strong in baptisms that it is so awesome for nonmembers to be able to be there and to feel the spirit.

We had a great lesson at the Visitors' Center with two youth- Rodrigo and Edgar. They're brothers that are 14 and 11. They have both had a lot of contact with the church for the past 2 years. But their parents are not interested--we've tried teaching them a lot... but just aren't open to it. But they have no problem though with their kids being involved in the church. So they come to everything, church, youth activity, scout camp. Everything. And they have a ton of support from the ward. Our young men's president has really helped the young men to have a lot of unity. So I feel like they are ready to be baptized. With all the young men in the branch helping them I really feel that they will stay active. So we are planning to set a date with them this week. I'm excited for them, because I really feel that they can be examples for their family, for the rest of their younger siblings, and cousins and aunts and uncles (they all live very close and practically all of them are formers.)

On Sunday Sister Sordes and I spoke in Sacrament meeting. This was the third time that I have spoken here in the field and it has been so incredible to see how each time I feel more comfortable talking in front of people in spanish. I can see how drastically my Spanish has improved since my time with Sister Falcon. She helped me so much with that! I am still learning so much... and know that even once I get home I will still have things that I need to work on. But I feel that I am doing really well with my Spanish. I don't want to get complacent. But I do feel pretty comfortable talking to people about whatever (for the most part :] )

My trainer Sister McKee came to the visitors' center while I was on shift this week! It was so weird to see her not as a missionary! Her brother lives in Phoenix so she was in town visiting him and came in to see how everyone was doing! She's so fun and I miss her! But it was weird to realize that she's been home for over 3 months. And that things have changed a lot since then. It is really almost September?? Ah! I love you all so much and I hope that everything is going well!!

Hermana Larson